Huchen, Underwater { 20 images } Created 9 Dec 2014
Underwater Images of Huchen
The huchen (Hucho hucho) is one of the most beautiful of large salmonid fishes. It's endemic to the Danube basin in Europe but remaining populations are threatened by habitat loss and fishing pressure. A closely related species, called the Taimen, or giant Eurasian trout, (Hucho taimen) were once widespread throughout the former Soviet Union but today exist only in a fraction of their historic range. Today Taimen can be found mainly in Russia and Mongolia.
The huchen (Hucho hucho) is one of the most beautiful of large salmonid fishes. It's endemic to the Danube basin in Europe but remaining populations are threatened by habitat loss and fishing pressure. A closely related species, called the Taimen, or giant Eurasian trout, (Hucho taimen) were once widespread throughout the former Soviet Union but today exist only in a fraction of their historic range. Today Taimen can be found mainly in Russia and Mongolia.